interest to QRP operation appears in January, 2002 after I have bough
nice, real pocket size transceiver HF/VHF/UHF YAESU
It gave me possibility to be in a "HAM life" all the time:
when I drive my car, from the hotel
during the business trip, or somewhere else.
It has 5 watts
output on all HF bands + 6 meter + 144/432 MHz
and all modes (CW, SSB, FM and digital modes). And it very suitable as IF
(Intermediate Frequency) for transverters.
Antenna ATAS-100 on the car's trunk.
I've build up small
controller for
manual remote
of ATAS-100
Now I can use one with my FT-817 and any other transceivers.
ES1RF/mm on board of ferry "KORGELAID" in the Baltic Sea,
close to Hiiumaa Island (IOTA EU-034)
YAESU FT-817+ATAS-100 antenna (on the car's roof). The best QRB with this setup
was EA8AF (4600 km).
How I using ATAS-100 with my FT-817 -
please read this article.
2002. Holidays on Gran Canaria Island.
My YAESU FT-817 with home made ATU and whip antenna on the hotel's balcony.
The whip (CB antenna) adjusted with a
home made mini-tuner.
Here is fragment of the record in my log-book (DX4WIN),
regarding to operation from island Gran Canaria.
Just with 1,4 meters long antenna. No comments...

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