Short description of my HF-VHF-UHF-SHF antennas and equipment
Antenna farm
Mast I: 8×19 el. yagi for 432 MHz, full elevation. On the top 4×35 el for 1296 MHz and 145/435 Diamond X-400 vertical;
Mast II: dipole for 80 and 60m band;
Mast III: 9 el yagi for 50 MHz and DXer-206 for 20-10 m (not on the picture)
3.0 meter diameter solid dish for 1296 MHz EME.
R8 Cushcraft on the house’s roof.
1,5 meter solid dish for QO-100 satellite
Equipment and software
(Picture on the bottom of this page)
HF bands:
Transceiver: YAESU FTdx-101MP
FT-2000MP, as a back up RIG.
Antennas: 80 and 60m – Dipole; 40-10m (included WARC) – vertical Cushcraft R-8.
20-10 m (and all WARC bands): DXer-206. Short beam from “Antennae Depot” by UA2FZ
PA: around 1.0 kW. Construction of ES6RQ. Modified tube GU-81M.
50 MHz:
Transceiver: YAESU FTdx-101MP YAESU and FT-2000+SDR-IQ as a back up RIG. Antenna: 9 el. yagi from
PA: Home made dual band (50/70 MHz), GS31B.
70 MHz: – Temporary QRT!
Transceiver: Modified YAESU FT-847 + LNA. 70W output.
Antenna: 7 el yagi YU7EF.
PA: Home made dual band (50/70 MHz), GS31B. Abt. 500W output.
144 MHz tropo and EME: QRT EME, probably forever
Setup 1: FT-736R or YAESU FT-847;
Setup 2: Transverter XV144 (Elecraft) + FT-2000 (IF 28 MHz) + SDR-IQ;
Preamp: Mast head, PA3BIY design.
PA1: Mirage B-5030-G (250 W). Using stay alone or as a driver for PA2.
PA2: GS35B (> 1KW output). Home build
Antenna: 2M18XXX . No elevation .
432 MHz tropo and EME:
Setup1: YAESU FT847 and FT-736R;
Setup 2: Transverter XV432 (Elecraft) + FT-2000 (IF 28 MHz) + SDR-IQ;
Preamp: Mast head G4DDK
PA1: HL-250 Udx (SSPA, 250 W, from Tokyo HY-Power, Japan). Driver for PA2:
PA2: GS35B ( 1 KW output). Home build
Antenna: 8 x 19 el. (Värgarda) , Maximum elevation 60 degrees.
High voltage power supply is a common for 144 and 432 power amplifiers.
3 phases x 380V, 3.5 KV, 1 Amp.
1296 MHz tropo:
Setup1: Transverter 1296/28 (DEMI) + FT-2000 + SDR-IQ
Setup 2: Transceiver YAESU-736R
Preamp: Mast head G4DDK
PA1: MKU 13200 A, from KUHNE electronic, Max power 200 W
Antenna: 4 x 23CM35EZ (M2)
1296 MHz EME:
Transverter 1296/28 (DEMI) + FT-2000 + SDR-IQ
Preamp: Mast head G4DDK
PA: MKU PA 23CM-1000W CU, from KUHNE electronic, Max power 1100 W
Antenna: 3.0 meter solid dish, septum feed (RA3AQ)
QO-100 Satellite.
All equipment from “DXPatrol”: UP- and Down converters and 10 W PA.
Antenna: 1.5 M dish with LNB and helix feed.
Coaxial cables:
DXer-206: Draka RF 7/8″, 23 m long;
50 MHz: 8D-FB. 29 m long
432 MHz TX: Draka RF 7/8″-50. 16 m long;
432 MHz RX: H-2000 Flex. 16 m long
1296 MHz Tropo: LDF4-50. 18 m. long
1296 MHz EME RX: H-2000 Flex, 18 m long
1296 MHz EME TX: Draka RF 7/8″, 16 m + 3 m jumper.
Rotators and controllers:
3 x YAESU G-1000SDX and G-1000DXC (Azimuth on all masts);
Heavy duty linear actuators, 24″
ARSWin by EA4TX, (Azimuth and elevation of antennas). Running under the tracking programs.
OE5JFL azimuth-elevation controller for 3 meter dish.
PstRotator – Tracking Software for Antenna Rotators
Logging programs:
N1MM+ – logger for all HF and VHF contests;
DX4WIN (ver. 8.05) – as a common HF and VHF log.
DXLab – better alternative for DX4WIN. Now is a main common log.
VQLog (ver. 3.1 build 461) – logger for VHF-UHF-SHF and satellites only.
Ham Radio DeLuxe (ver. Digital modes (PSK and RTTY) and satellite tracking;
This the last free version of HRD!
Other Software:
WSJT-10 and WSJT-X for EME;
MSHV – Meteor scatter (FSK441 and MSK144) and FT-8.
DX Atlas (ver. 2.3): for grid square statistic and mapping;
SpectraVue: running together with SDR-IQ. The latest version.
PstRotator: software for Antenna Rotators.
EME System (ver.7) by F1EHN. EME tracking software
My RIG in the shack from front and behind:
front -