Summary of ARLL DXCC List on 2 m, (August, 2019).
You can see QSL-card’s images of all listed below countries and territories, which are included in my DXCC 2M Award. Just use the main menu of these site and choose:
Galery -> 144 MHz DXCC received QSL cards.
1A0 (Sov.Mil. Order of Malta) | 1A0C | 12/28/2014 | 17:13 |
3A (Monaco) | 3A/DL8YHR | 03/01/2010 | 20:54 |
3B8 (Mauritius) | 3B8EME | 05/18/2010 | 08:44 |
3B9 (Rodriguez I.) | 3B9EME | 09/08/2013 | 08:20 |
3D2 (Fiji) | 3D2RS | 09/29/2010 | 21:36 |
3DA (Swaziland) | 3DA0MB | 10.14.2017 | 09:00 |
3W, XV (Vietnam) | 3W4TC | 03/30/2012 | 10:44 |
4J.4K (Azerbaijan) | 4K/UT6UA | 06/16/2014 | 04:04 |
4L (Georgia) | 4L1FP | 03/30/2010 | 19:56 |
4O (Montenegro) | 4O3A | 05/28/2009 | 19:28 |
4P-4S (Sri Lanka) | 4S7BBG | 03/04/2016 | 03:45 |
4U_ITU (ITU HQ) | 4U1ITU | 03/24/2012 | 11:02 |
4X, 4Z (Israel) | 4X1DG | 07/15/2013 | 16:42 |
5B (Cyprus) | 5B8AD | 04/23/2005 | 18:58 |
5H-5I (Tanzania) | 5H1MS | 05/19/2009 | 02:19 |
5N-5O (Nigeria) | 5N0EME | 03/29/2009 | 17:58 |
5V (Togo) | 5V7CC | 04/29/2011 | 06:28 |
5W (Western Samoa) | 5W0M | 04/12/2013 | 04:08 |
5Y-5Z (Kenya) | 5Z4EME | 04/03/2009 | 12:25 |
6V-6W (Senegal) | 6W/PE1L | 05/07/2014 | 20:59 |
6Y (Jamaica) | 6Y5AZ | 06/28/2016 | 10:14 |
7P (Lesotho) | 7P8EME | 09/19/2011 | 23:45 |
7Q (Malawi) | 7Q7EME | 05/10/2015 | 01:02 |
8P (Barbados) | 8P9MS | 11/10/2011 | 00:57 |
8Q (Maldives) | 8Q7QQ | 03/25/2010 | 12:23 |
9A (Croatia) | YU2RMB | 06/07/1981 | 16:50 |
9G (Ghana) | 9G5EME | 04/11/2013 | 16:46 |
9H (Malta) | 9H1PA | 03/31/2009 | 22:22 |
9K (Kuwait) | 9K2YM | 04/08/2016 | 14:21 |
9N (Nepal) | 9N7WL | 04/04/2011 | 08:47 |
9X (Rwanda) | 9X0EME | 06/25/2013 | 21:04 |
9Y (Trinida & Tabago) | 9Y4TBG | 04/08/2014 | 21:22 |
9M2,4 (West Malaysia) | 9M2/JG3TTO | 11/03/2017 | 20:49 |
A2 (Botswana) | A25JD | 10/23/2010 | 19:00 |
A4 (Oman) | A43MB | 09/22/2017 | 11:25 |
A6 (United Arab Emirat) | A61Q | 02/11/2009 | 19:30 |
BV (Taiwan) | BX1AD | 04/07/2009 | 18:01 |
BY,BT (China) | BD4SY | 09/04/2009 | 20:50 |
C3 (Andorra) | C37NL | 13/08/2019 | 22:35 |
C5 (The Gambia) | C56EME | 02/11/2011 | 14:08 |
C6 (Bahamas) | C6ANS | 06/09/2015 | 06:54 |
C8-9 (Mozambique) | C8T | 06/05/2018 | 02:32 |
CA-CE (Chile) | CE2/DK2ZF | 10/30/2010 | 06:31 |
CE0 (Easter I.) | CE0Y/DK2ZF | 20/10/2010 | 00:53 |
CT (Portugal) | CT1HZE | 11/25/2007 | 07:33 |
CU (Azores) | CR2EME | 06/30/2011 | 14:42 |
CV-CX (Uruguay) | CX5IC | 04/05/2009 | 01:47 |
CY9 (St.Paul) | CY9C | 08/22/2016 | 04:06 |
D4 (Cape Verde) | D44TU | 04/30/2017 | 15:55 |
DA-DL (Fed. Rep. of Germany) | DK2ZF | 04/03/1979 | 23:21 |
DU-DZ (Philippines) | DX7EME | 11/02/2017 | 19:21 |
E4 (Palestine) | E44CM | 11/15/2016 | 19:35 |
E7 (Bosnia-Herzegovina) | T94NK | 06/01/2005 | 17:40 |
EA6-EH6 (Balearic Is.) | EA6VQ | 04/23/2005 | 18:30 |
EA9 ((Ceuta & Melilla) | EF8LZ | 13/04/2013 | 10:58 |
EA8-EH8 (Canary Is.) | EA8/G4RGK | 04/13/2013 | 10:58 |
EA-EH (Spain) | EA5SE | 01/04/2006 | 19:28 |
EI-EJ (Ireland) | EI4DQ | 11/19/2002 | 04:03 |
ER (Moldovia) | UO5OGF | 08/14/1982 | 07:40 |
ES (Estonia) | UR2HU | 01/02/1979 | 17:12 |
EU, EV, EW (Belarus) | UC2CED | 08/02/1979 | 12:53 |
EY (Tajikistan) | EY8ZF | 04/27/2012 | 07:56 |
F (France) | F6CTW | 08/14/1982 | 05:00 |
FG (Guadeloupe) | FG4KH | 01/08/2011 | 14:14 |
FH (Mayote) | FH/DL1RPL | 11/20/2015 | 13:19 |
FK (New Caledonia) | FK/DL2NUD | 02/08/2011 | 08:12 |
FM (Martinique) | FM8DY | 03/16/2013 | 17:21 |
FO (French Polinesia) | TX7EME | 09/05/2015 | 21:00 |
FP (St. Pierre & Mique) | FP/DJ4TC | 09/14/2013 | 20:46 |
FR (Reunion) | FR/DL1RPL | 04/16/2014 | 21:42 |
FS (Saint Martin) | TO2EME | 10/22/2015 | 21:56 |
FW (Wallis&Futuna) | FW5JJ | 11/06/2014 | 14:58 |
FY (French Guiana) | FY/DL2NUD | 02/13/2010 | 11:50 |
G, GX (England) | G3VYF | 12/14/1981 | 00:50 |
GD, GT (Isle of Man) | GD0TEP | 12/09/2008 | 23:55 |
GI, GN (Northern Ireland) | GI6ATZ | 08/12/2001 | 09:51 |
GJ, GH (Jersey) | MJ/DH7FB | 04/21/2010 | 11:27 |
GM, GS (Scotland) | GM4COK | 04/04/1979 | 02:28 |
GU, GP (Guernsey) | GU8FBO | 01/03/2009 | 16:17 |
GW, GC (Wales) | GW8IZR | 08/12/2002 | 12:04 |
H4 (Solomon Is.) | H44HP | 03/29/2009 | 04:49 |
H40 (Temotu Province) | H40HP | 03/06/2009 | 09:44 |
HA, HG (Hungary) | HG1YA | 08/13/1981 | 22:00 |
HB (Switzerland) | HB9MY | 06/07/1981 | 17:47 |
HB0 (Liechtensten) | HB0/PA2CHR | 04/11/2014 | 16:55 |
HI (Dominican Republic) | HI8DL | 20/11/2019 | 06:06 |
HJ-HK (Colombia) | HK1H | 08/25/2013 | 02:28 |
HL (South Korea) | HL5QO | 02/10/2011 | 11:21 |
HQ-HR (Honduras) | HR9BFS | 10/12/2009 | 10:43 |
HS (Thailand) | HS2JFW | 08/06/2010 | 23:24 |
HV (Vatican) | HV4NAC | 06/20/1999 | 16:25 |
HZ (Saudi Arabia) | 7Z1HB | 12/10/2013 | 14:22 |
I (Italy) | I6CTJ | 06/07/1981 | 16:48 |
IS, IM (Sardinia) | IS0/DH7FB | 05/01/2009 | 20:40 |
J5 (Guinea-Bissau) | J52EME | 03/27/2012 | 18:04 |
J8 (St.Vincent) | J8/WW2DX | 03/21/2016 | 01:43 |
JA-JS (Japan) | JH0MHE | 01/06/2006 | 10:50 |
JT-JV (Mongolia) | JT0YTX | 07/23/2016 | 20:51 |
KH0 (Mariana Is.) | KH0/W2AZ | 05/05/2019 | 07:11 |
K,W,N, AA-AK (USA | W5UN | 07/18/1999 | 19:45 |
KH2 (Guam) | KH2/W2AZ | 11/17/2016 | 18:23 |
KH6 (Hawaii) | KH7Y | 06/20/2012 | 17:44 |
KH8 (Amer. Samoa) | KH8/ZL1RS | 07/21/2014 | 23:18 |
KL7 (Alaska) | KL7UW | 04/05/2009 | 01:20 |
KP2 (Virgin Isl) | N4M | 05/23/2014 | 07:04 |
KP4 (Puerto Rico) | WP4G | 01/12/2008 | 18:28 |
LA-LN (Norway) | LA5UV | 12/18/1978 | 14:48 |
LO-LW (Argentina) | LU1CGB | 04/06/2009 | 01:54 |
LX (Luxembourg) | LX2DX | 01/03/2002 | 22:30 |
LY (Lithuania) | UP2BFR | 03/29/1979 | 20:56 |
LZ (Bulgaria) | LZ1KJ | 07/31/2001 | 22:00 |
OA-OC (Peru) | OA4TT | 04/24/2010 | 23:58 |
OE (Austria) | OE6WIG | 08/12/1981 | 03:00 |
OF-OI (Finland) | OH7RJ | 12/18/1978 | 15:00 |
OH0 (Aland Is.) | OH0JN | 12/20/1978 | 15:40 |
OJ0 (Market Reef) | OH0NC/OJ0 | 08/02/1980 | 22:41 |
OK-OL (Czech Republic) | OK3KFF/P | 08/01/1981 | 19:02 |
OM (Slovak Republic) | OM7AQ | 08/12/2000 | 00:00 |
ON-OT (Belgium) | ON5QW | 08/13/1982 | 10:00 |
OX (Greenland) | OX4OK | 09/20/2011 | 00:37 |
OY (Faroe Is.) | OY4TN | 01/04/2004 | 01:21 |
OZ (Denmark) | OZ1OF | 03/29/1979 | 22:14 |
P4 (Aruba) | P40MB | 04/30/2016 | 05:10 |
PA-PI (Netherlands) | PA3AQM | 08/02/1981 | 22:00 |
PJ2 (Curacao) | PJ2/PE1L | 04/14/2011 | 21:49 |
PJ2, 4, 9 (Bonaire,Curacao) | PJ4NX | 03/10/2009 | 03:51 |
PJ4 (Bonaire) | PJ4X | 04/07/2011 | 18:35 |
PJ5,6 (Saba & St.Eusta) | PJ6E | 20/04/2018 | 16:29 |
PJ7 (Sint Maarten) | PJ7EME | 06/26/2011 | 09:16 |
PP-PY (Brazil) | PY2SRB | 06/28/2009 | 16:14 |
PZ (Suriname) | PZ21EME | 11/28/2014 | 15:20 |
R1FJ (Franz Josef Land) | RI1FJL | 10/22/2011 | 06:30 |
R1MV (Malyj Vysotskij I. | R1MVA | 07/06/1999 | 20:24 |
S5 (Slovenia) | YU3ES | 06/07/1981 | 16:38 |
S7 (Seyshelles) | S79EME | 03/20/2015 | 14:02 |
S9 (SaoTome & Principe) | S9YY | 10/09/2016 | 15:21 |
SA-SM (Sweden) | SM4AXY | 09/26/1978 | 21:37 |
SN-SR (Poland) | SP2DX | 09/29/1978 | 14:18 |
SV5 (Dodecanese) | J45EME | 08/23/2013 | 18:48 |
SV9 (Crete) | SV9ANJ | 10/25/2013 | 22:59 |
SV-SZ (Greece) | J48XG | 08/13/2006 | 10:39 |
T7 (San Marino) | T70A | 04/20/2010 | 20:49 |
T8 (Palau) | T8EM | 10/11.2017 | 20:20 |
TA-TC (Turkey) | TA3/PE1L | 09/20/2013 | 20:59 |
TG, TD (Guatemala) | TD9FYC | 24/02/2018 | 22:09 |
TF (Iceland) | TF3CY | 05/10/2011 | 21:05 |
TI, TE (Costa Rica) | TI2SW | 04/08/2011 | 19:30 |
TK (Corsica) | TK5JJ | 05/19/2009 | 02:50 |
TR (Gabon) | TR8CA | 01/09/2018 | 07:50 |
UA2 (Kaliningrad) | UA2FAY | 10/20/1981 | 16:16 |
UA-UI1,3,4,6, (Eur. Russia | UA1MC | 12/18/1978 | 15:23 |
UA-UI8,9,0,RA (Asiatic Russia | UA9GL | 06/05/1982 | 01:45 |
UJ-UM (Uzbekistan) | UK/DL9LBH | 04/10/2009 | 21:55 |
UN-UQ (Kazakhstan) | UN6PD | 05/19/2009 | 00:12 |
UR-UZ, EM-EO (Ukraine) | UK5DAA/P | 08/01/1981 | 22:11 |
V2 (Antigua & Barbuda) | V26PD | 11/03/2018 | 06:24 |
V3 (Belize) | V31EME | 28/11/2017 | 23:27 |
V6 (Micronesia) | V60EME | 10/10/2014 | 17:46 |
V7 (Marshall Isl.) | V73EME | 09/28/2015 | 16:42 |
VE, VO, VY (Canada) | VE5UF | 03/31/2009 | 20:52 |
VK (Australia) | VK3AXH | 11/30/2007 | 21:03 |
VP2E (Anguilla) | VP2EMB | 12/04/2019 | 17:59 |
VK9N (Norfolk I.) | VK9NA | 01/15/2011 | 10:48 |
VP8 (Falklend Isl.) | VP8DQE | 03/17/2015 | 08:14 |
VP9 (Bermuda) | VP9I | 07/15/2012 | 12:28 |
XA-XI (Mexico) | XE2AT | 05/02/2009 | 22:13 |
XT (Burkina Faso) | XT2AFT | 10/23/2016 | 02:38 |
YB-YH (Indonesia) | YC2MDU | 07/12/2017 | 22:37 |
YJ (Vanuatu) | YJ0HP | 10/16/2013 | 15:24 |
YL (Latvia) | UQ2GEK | 12/03/1978 | 20:04 |
YO-YR (Romania) | YO2IS | 07/02/2001 | 18:08 |
YV-YY (Venezuela) | YV6CR | 26/08/2019 | 11:43 |
YT-YU, YZ (Serbia) | YU7AU | 07/06/1983 | 02:50 |
Z2 (Zimbabve) | Z21EME | 11/01/2014 | 18:26 |
Z3 (Macedonia) | Z32UC | 08/12/2001 | 07:00 |
Z6 (Kosovo) | Z66EME | 22/04/2018 | 15:53 |
ZA (Albania) | ZA/PA2CHR | 05/31/2014 | 06:36 |
ZF (Caiman Isl.) | ZF2EM | 07/21/2015 | 16:56 |
ZK1 (S. Cook Is.) | E51EME | 03/31/2009 | 06:02 |
ZL-ZM (New Zealand) | ZL3TY | 11/29/2007 | 20:04 |
ZP (Paraguay) | ZP9EH | 04/06/2012 | 23:46 |
ZR-ZU (South Africa) | ZS6OB | 10/21/2007 | 22:07 |
Total: 183 |