This morning I monitored on 70.193 Mhz, Chris’s operating frequency. I hear few very tiny MS pings from him and many good burst from other station. I asked him to turn antenna to my direction for a short MS test. We are started at 0652 UTC. Some minutes later I’ve got couple of pings and, at 0705 UTC, suddenly, was 17 second burst! After one more… So, I understood, this is E-sporadic opening! Probably, Chris understood the same and called me SSB. His signal was 59+, so I answered him also SSB and got report 59! QSO was completed very quick. DXCC # 38, grid square # 220.
This channel was existed just 1-2 minutes, so Hannu, OH3DP, also heard CQ from 4O/PA2CHR, but lost him. Strange, but calculated MUF at that time was below 50 Mhz.
The screen shot shows this first long ping, after that ES was started.
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