DXCC Award 2M received!

dxcc_144At last, I received my DXCC Award 2M band!
As it is well known, the diploma started being issued since November, 1945. I don’t know, how many tens of thousands of diplomas are given out on each band, so it was very pleasant for me to get a number in the first hundred  on 2 Meter band!

From 115 worked countries by the time of drawing up an application (November, 2012) I have had  on hands just 108 paper’s QSL cards. The part of the confirmed countries were in LOTW, but by new rules  not allowed to combine paper QSL and LOTW confirmations. Therefore  were sent to ARRL for checking only these 108 QSL cards. But at the present time, a have all 115 QSL card! 100% confirmed… Great! The full list of worked/confirmed countries is here.

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