Gemenids – 2015

The Geminids are considered to be one of the more spectacular meteor shower during a year, with the possibility of sighting around 120 meteors per hour at its peak. At this year, maximum of shower was predicted between 13 -14th of December.
This time, again, I did not spent much time, but tried to be in the air around predicted maximum and looked for new MS initials. It was successive: from 81 QSO, the new initials were 40. I am satisfied.
Some statistic in graphical view is below.

gem_15_dxcc gem_15_statistic gemenids_15

But the most interesting was QSO with Przhemek, SQ2LYF.  His antenna was small mobile vertical and only 2.5 watt output (!!).
What he is writing (by e-mail):

“”””” HI Genek
Thanks again for the qso. I was really happy.
I moved to other QTH last year and now my antenna contitions is… very poor.
Pleasesq2lyf4 see how I worked on pictures (RIG+ant). This was only a 2.5 W power and mobile antenna mounted not so high like You can see.
Many thanks for that qso and for qso’s on 6m earlier.. I have QSL from You.
I’m not a member of bureau but I confirms by LOTW

Przemek SQ2LYF
73 73 73″””””””

And here are pictures of his setup:

sq2lyf sq2lyf1 sq2lyf3

And this is a screenshot from my screen:

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