X-Team DH7FB & DF2ZC QRV from EA9 Ceuta. They are started operation on 2 M band today.
The line from N0UK EME chat:
15 Mar14:45 EF9LZ IM75 CQ 144.114 -EF9LZ- tx 1st .
We are started to call themes, but few minutes later we saw another spot in the chat :
15 Mar 14:54EF9LZ IM75 hmmm….s7 noise bursts here…
And it was the real problem: they could not hear no one, just sending CQ,CQ, CQ… I spent around 30 minutes, before understood, that much better to stop and wait for better conditions. Also I need to do some home job.
4 hours later I came back to the shack and had a look on MAP65’s screen. Yes!! Еhey are worked one station after another! Seems, conditions improved! I called and EF9LZ answered just after my first call. Easy QSO, new DXCC and new grid
Expedition’s log is here.
Next target – 70 cm EME QSO with EF9LZ. Very hope for a good conditions!
Unfortunately, they cancelled 70 cm EME operation due to a high
antenna's SWR. Pity...