ARRL WAS Award 23 cm band is completed!

Last night was a “historical” event for me:
I completed ARRL WAS Award on 23 cm EME!!
It means, I worked all 50 USA states on 1296 MHz. On this band it was possible only EME.

Last state, OREGON (OR) was activated by Peter, KA6U. He is a fantastic guy! Travelling across the Unated States  from the East to the West and from the North to the South with a well equipped portable station, he gave to us, the WAS Award chasers, the greate opportunity to get a rare US states on 23 and 70 cm bands.
Some people told, they were hunting for all states during 27 years, some told 18 month… For me personally, it took 2 year and 8 month. From all 50 states I’ve got 23 thanks to Peter (KA6U) and 8 thanks for Gene (KB7Q). I.e. 31 state from 50 only thanks for those two guys!!!
Below copy from HB9Q Logger:

23:20 @ES3RF: Gennadi great news! 4 new 23cm WAS today! @ KA6U

On 70 cm I have only 33 US States worked and confirmed. How long time I need to get all 50??


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