Przemyslaw (“Mek”) SP7VC and Kasia SQ7OYL traveling by car around Scandinavia from 26 July to 27 August 2013. During the trip they are planning to activate about 12-16 IOTA islands and several locators on HF bands, 50, 70, 144 MHz + microvawes. It gives a great chance to hunters for squares, especially on the 4 M band, to add in to collection some new absolutely unique and rare squares, which hardly will be activated soon!
All his trip is possible to see on the picture.
Sure, more interested for me are only squares on VHF bands, especially on 6 and 4 meter. But will not refused to get some new IOTA on HF too.
They are going to visit and activate the follows squares: KP03, 25, 26, 27, 35, 36, 38, 39, 49, KQ40, 50, 21, 00, JP89, 67, 68, 78, 79, 42, 32, 22, 29, JO57, 55. So, 24 squares, and 22 new for me on 4M band. Some of themes I have already on 6 and 2 meter bands.
I started my “hunting” than they were in KP25 square, although I have already that square on 4 and 6 meter band. Just to try. And got it easy! Let me say, to reach all these squares for me is real only by meteor scatter, or, via Aurora, or, if very lucky – by E-sporadic opening, which is very rare on the north latitude at this time of year.
I will try to work as many squares, as possible and will show my progress (complete QSO) in a table style below:
Grid # Date Propog. Band Remark
KP25GA Aug. 05 MS 4M
KP35CE Aug. 05 MS 4M New #
KP36AN Aug. 06 MS 4M New #
KP38LA Aug. 08 MS 4M New #
KQ50NJ Aug. 07 MS 4M New #
KQ40EC Aug. 08 MS 4M New #
KQ30UO Aug. 08 MS 4M New #
KQ21VC Aug. 09 MS 4M, 6M New #
KQ00TG Aug.11 MS 4M New #
JP89RE Aug 15 MS 4M New #
JP67LV Aug. 16 MS 4M New #
JP68OA Aug. 18 MS 4M, 6M New #
JP65PA Aug. 19 MS 4M New #
JP64OW Aug. 19 MS 4M New #
JP32BM Aug.22 MS 4M New #
So, the marathon finished. Not sure, if Przemyslaw did activated the last 2 squares in Norway (JO29 and JP22), according to his plan. But I am more, than satisfied: to get 14 new and very rare squares in so short time. Only via meteor scatter.
Thank you, Mek and Kasia!