HB0/DM1CG – DXCC #36 on 70 cm.

Frank DL8YHR, Rainer DF2NU and Carsten DM1CG made a short trip in Vaduz, HB0, for a last weekend in October It was a good chance for me to get new DXCC on 70 cm band. Just 1 day before of this event, I finished reconstruction of my 8×19 el antenna array, because elevation gear (YAESU G-500) was broken and I must to replace one to usual 24″ actuator. At the same time I replaced LNA from MVV 432-VOX (SHF Electronik) to G4DDK. So, it was good chance to test my new setup.
QSO on 70 cm
hb0_dm1cg was complete. I can not say, it was easy. The Faraday rotation was very quick, so signal changed from -23 to -32 S/N. But, thanks for team patience, we completed QSO in 6 minutes. My signal on themes side was -22 db.
On the next day I worked with HB0/DM1CG on 144 Mhz.  It was much easier, they answered me from the first call. Although, I have HB0 on 2M, always a pleasure to get a new EME initial QSO.

Thank you, team!

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