Year 2022 results and new equipment.

Total QSO score (HF & VHF): 5082
VHF &UP: 1348, including by bands:
 – 50 MHz: 496 QSO
 – 432 MHz: 32 (+11 EME initials) QSO
 – 1296 MHz: 402 (+63 EME initials) QSO
 – SAT (QO-100): 417 QSO
Thanks to Peter – KA6U- and his expeditions, I have to work only with 3 states of United States of America to get a diploma WAS on 23 cm band EME. I missed yet: Colorado, Kansas and Oregon.

On 23 cm I stopped to use the FT-736R, although this very nice and stable radio. The reason – this old radio has not modern CAT system, so no possibility to use COFM style, when using WSJT-X software on EME QSO. Now my setup consists from transverter DEMI 1296-28H2 + FT-2000 as IF RIG.
The power amplifier, instead of MKU 13200A (200W output) I use the
MKU PA 23CM – 1000W CU. I running only 800 W on digital mode. And this PA never heated over a temperature of 32 -35 degrees during 60 seconds cycle. Because of big heatsink and two fans. But noisy!  

My plan for year 2023 – to start EME on 3 cm band. 
I want to hope that I have enough strength and health (and finances, of course) to start working in this perspective band.

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